⚠️ Warning: we are still very, very early. Enter the 🐇 🕳️ at your own risk.

About Startupy

We live in the information age, but meaningful intellectual content is ironically less indexed and discoverable than it was 10 years ago.

Startupy is a digital playground where curators collect, organize, map, and interconnect the most valuable business, investing, technology, and culture insights.

We are building the world’s best community-curated search engine, organizing knowledge across a long tail of topics.

Quick links

🧙‍♂️  Become a curator

🧠  Request a bounty (curation as a service)

💫  Watch a demo

📞  Book a call with our founder

🕺  View open roles

<aside> 💭 You can think of us as if Roam, Wikipedia, Crunchbase, and a DAO had a baby.


Vibe Check


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As a Startupy member, you now have unrestricted access to the world’s first community-curated search engine for meaningful business, technology, and culture insights.


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